Club Meeting Information

General Club Meetings

Wednesday, January 11, 20237:30pm (following Board meeting)Virtually (info to be sent by email)
Wednesday, February 8, 20237:30pm (following Board meeting)Virtually (info to be sent by email)
Saturday, March 25, 2023CANCELLED due to weather!EB Rains Memorial Park
11701 Community Center Dr, Northglenn, CO 80233
Sunday, April 16, 202312:00pm (following Bulldog walk)EB Rains Memorial Park
11701 Community Center Dr, Northglenn, CO 80233
Saturday, May 13, 202311:00am (Annual Picnic to follow)James A. Bible Park
6802 E Yale Ave, Denver, CO 80224
Sunday, June 25, 202311:00am (Ice Cream Social to follow)Jason Park
4299 S Jason Street, Englewood, CO 80110
July 2023No meeting scheduled
Saturday, August 26, 202310:00am (following B-match)Jason Park
4299 S Jason Street, Englewood, CO 80110
Wednesday, September 13, 20237:30pm (following Board meeting)Virtually (info to be sent by email)
Saturday October 28, 202312:00pm (following Bulloween)Mantayo Kennels
1220 S Wadsworth Blvd, Lakewood, CO 80232
Wednesday, November 8, 20237:30pm (following Board meeting)Virtually (info to be sent by email)
December 2023No meeting scheduled

Board Meetings

Wednesday, January 11, 20237:30pmVirtually (info to be sent by email)
Wednesday, February 8, 20237:30pmVirtually (info to be sent by email)
Wednesday, March 8, 20237:30pmVirtually (info to be sent by email)
Sunday, April 16, 202312:00pmEB Rains Park
Saturday, May 10, 2023Following Annual MeetingJames A. Bible Park
Sunday, June 25, 202311:00amJason Park
July 2023No meeting scheduled
Saturday, August 26, 202310:30amJason Park
Wednesday, September 13, 20237:30pmVirtually (info to be sent by email)
Wednesday, October 11, 20237:30pmVirtually (info to be sent by email)
Wednesday, November 8, 20237:30pmVirtually (info to be sent by email)
December 2023No meeting scheduled

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